Here you will find information specifically for Parents & Guardians
Absence Reporting
This page contains forms for absence reporting. This may be unexpected absence (child is unwell and cannot attend school that day), or for a planned absence in advance (such as an absence for an upcoming medical appointment).
Meeting Bookings
This takes you to the page with instructions and the online form for booking parents evening appointments, sessions with our Inclusion Team, etc.
Here is a link to our policies page.
Supporting Learning at Home
Information to help you support your child in their understanding of Phonics, Reading, Mathematics and Grammar.
Term Dates and Events calendar
All the important dates for your calendar.
Our letters page contains copies of class, year group, whole school or group-targetted letters (such as clubs, choirs, etc) that have been sent home. Many will be password-protected with the school letters password that you have been provided with as parents.
Special educational needs (SEN), accessibility and disability (inclusion)
Information about the implementation of our school's policy for pupils with SEN is updated regularly, and documents detailing this can be found listed in detail on our Inclusion page.
eSafety Information
A summary of how we approach eSafety in the school, along with regularly updated articles and bulletins that we believe may help you understand the devices, games and apps that your child may be using at home.
The newsletter page is an archive of our regular school bulletins.
Important Forms
Medication forms, school trip permission forms and other similar documents.
Breakfast Club and After-school Childcare ("Acorns")
Details of our wrap-around care services and how to book places with the school office.
School Dinner Menu
Information on our school lunchtime menus and how to book meals for your child.
This links to our wellbeing page, which includes wellbeing information, links and an archive of all our wellbeing newsletters.
Our Safeguarding Policy (Child Protection) which is compliant with the latest revision of KCSIE can be found on our Safeguarding Approach and Policies page.
Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour
This page helps you gain an understanding of our behaviour policy and the Therapeutic Thinking approach.
Reading at Home
(Boom Reader)
Details on the apoproach and system we use to support and track reading at home.
Each week of each term the children are given a set of spellings to learn, which they are then tested on the following week. The spellings page contains those weekly lists so you can help your child practice at home.
Information for New Parents
Information and guidance for parents of children entering the school in our Reception year group.
Parent Questionnaire Results
Each year we reach out to parents asking for feedback on how they feel their children and the school are performing. Results can be found on our Parent Questionnaire page.
School Uniform
Details on our school uniform, ordering information and uniform policy.
This page gives details on stationery we expect the children from each year group to have in school.
Remote Learning Policy and Teams usage
This section of the website details how we use Microsoft Teams within the school, and includes a copy of our Remote Learning Policy.
Home School Agreement
How the school works in partnership with parents and children to ensure children have every opportunity to reach their full potential.
Common Ailments
Listing a number of common children's ailments, along with medical advice and whether to attend school.
Coronavirus Reopening Risk Assessment
Here is a link to the relevant page containing this mandatory document.