
Here you will find a selection of our school policies. Note that several policies such as admissions, complaints, charging policy and others can be found under the 'Statutory School Information' menu.

Anti-bullying Policy (September 2024) How we enable all pupils, staff and parents to recognise bullying, and details how we handle any instances sensitively, consistently and appropriately.

Attendance Policy (updated October 2024) Sets out attendance and punctuality expectations for children, and processes followed for absence and improving attendance.

Charging Policy (September 2024) How the school requests contributions for activities inside and outside of school.

Complaints Policy (September 2024) Includes parent/pupil concerns and complaints, as well as internal whistle-blowing process.

Feedback Policy (September 2024) The methods and standards we use to provide marking and feedback on children's work.

Handwriting Policy (September 2024) How we ensure all of our children develop a genuine love of language and the written word (to be viewed in conjunction with the 'Our Approach to Writing' page).

Most Able Policy (September 2024) How we recognise and support the needs of those children in our school who have been identified as the ‘most able

Positive Behaviour Policy (September 2024) How we ensure pupils can learn and develop to their full potential, encouraging good behaviour through high expectations and mutual respect.

Safeguarding Policy (Child Protection) Compliant with KCSIE 2024 (Keeping Children Safe In Education). Our policy which is compliant with the latest revision of KCSIE can be found on our Safeguarding Approach and Policies page.

Remote Learning Policy Implemented for COVID-19, but covers how we support learning from home in other potential circumstances where a class, year group or section of the school is required to work from home.

Uniform Policy (September 2024) Expectations for school uniform, and how we ensure reasonable costs and value for money while avoiding discrimination.

Website Accessibility How we ensure our school website is accessible to all, using standardised layouts and conventions.

Website Cookies - A link to our website cookie policy page.

Click here to see our SEND (Inclusion) policy pages.

Click here to see our Relationships Health and Sex Education (RHSE) Policy (please contact school office for password as a parent or other interested party).

Click here to see our Drugs Education Policy (please contact school office for password as a parent or other interested party).

Click here to see our Data Protection policies.