Our Curriculum

At Emmer Green Primary School, we provide a challenging, stimulating and creative curriculum. We engage all children in learning through an inspiring and cross-curricular approach to our teaching.


Preparing our pupils for future life and honing their interpersonal skills is integral to our curriculum. A good example of this is a ‘University Week’ for juniors where the children apply for courses of their chosen interest, such as: Forensic Science, Pottery and Musical Theatre. We value peer learning and a wide variety occurs within school, such as: digital leaders, peer tutoring, buddy-reading and mixed-age infant projects.


Core subjects such as English and Mathematics are taught daily using a variety of methods to ensure all learning styles and abilities are catered for. In addition to this, we have themed weeks to inspire the children further in these areas by putting the learning into context. Some past themes have included, for English, Poet Idol and Superheroes.


In Science, children learn to explore, explain and understand the world in which they live. Great emphasis is placed on caring for and protecting the environment. Good use of the school grounds, such as the nature area, is made to reinforce such learning.


Computing plays an integral part of the learning programme here at Emmer Green. The children are encouraged to use IT in all subject areas of the school curriculum to enhance their learning, and they are also taught computing in designated lessons where computing skills and concepts are taught and practiced. Our approach to computing is based around learning through experiment, discussion and doing, with much opportunity for interactive and collaborative work. This helps the pupils to understand the benefits and appropriate uses of computing, and to develop the flexible and appropriate digital literacy and logical thinking skills they require as they progress through their primary years and beyond.


Foundation subjects are taught throughout the week in a number of different ways. One such approach is topic based, where children learn about a topic such as ‘The Vikings’ in subject areas such as History, Art, and Design and Technology. Children are able to retrieve and recall facts and information because of their study. Some topics are supported by an inspirational dress up day, where drama is used to relive historical experiences and create a buzz around learning.


We have specialist teachers in school for the subject areas of French, Music and Cookery as we feel this expertise greatly benefits the children.


A forty-minute lesson with our French teacher, for children in the juniors, leads to a consistent approach with good progression and preparation for their secondary language education.


Our Cookery teacher leads groups in preparing and cooking a range of foods to share with the rest of the class. The complexity of the food they cook increases as they progress through the school.  Healthy eating, and the importance of this, is key to the food preparation and planning the children complete.


We are also very proud of the Music we offer at Emmer Green, as well as having a dedicated music teacher for weekly lessons, a wide-range of opportunities are offered, including: learning an instrument; joining a choir; performing in concert and playing in the school orchestra.


When it comes to teaching PE, teachers deliver enthusiastic and challenging lessons that every child is able to take part in. In addition to this, an exterior coaching company teaches high quality PE lessons in a range of different sports, from Year 1 through to Year 6. Swimming lessons take place in Year 4 to enable them to learn this invaluable life skill.


Emmer Green Primary School takes huge pride in all of the sporting competitions that we take part in, whether that is competitive tournaments, festivals or even just friendly matches with other schools. We work hard to give a wealth of opportunities for our pupils to partake in.


Our Extra-curricular provision is excellent and children at Emmer Green have the opportunity to partake in a wide range of activities. Mandarin, Art and Football clubs are just a few of the clubs on offer. We aim to give a substantial selection to suit all pupils.


More detailed information by year group and subject can be found in our  curriculum overviews.

Please see National Curriculum for more details of the Government National Curriculum.